Shytoshi Kusama, the leader of Shiba Inu, has revived the long-abandoned BONE Telegram group, which is dedicated to the ecosystem token. Last Friday, Kusama broke the silence of the SHIBA BONE Official Telegram group, noting that there had been no activity in recent months. Surprisingly, the BONE Telegram had not seen any interactions among community members for at least six months, possibly due to disabled messaging capabilities.
Kusama’s comment about the silence of the group has sparked renewed enthusiasm within the community. Crypto enthusiasts have flocked to join the group in large numbers over the past two days. When Kusama made his remark, the group had less than 5,000 members. However, the official BONE Telegram group has now gained over 500 new members, with a current count of 5,400.
A community member highlighted the growing frenzy in a recent post, noting that more people are joining the group as news of Kusama’s reactivation spreads. Another community member, Sand, speculated that Kusama’s statement could be a teaser for something related to the BONE token. This speculation is based on the Shiba Inu team’s history of dropping hints before major announcements.
Interestingly, Kusama had been absent from the crypto scene for the past few weeks, but he recently tweeted a cryptic message that got community members speculating about “breathing new life into the ecosystem.” Three days after the tweet, Kusama revived the old Shiba Inu official BONE Telegram group.
The impact of this development was also seen in the market value of BONE. In the past 24 hours, BONE has surged by 5.4%, rising from a low of $0.548 to an intraday high of $0.5773. As of now, BONE is trading at its daily peak value.
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